Military GPO
Winter teamFormed in 1946 as GPO 'B' playing at the Sun Inn. Moved to the Bricklayers before changing to the Military Club in 1967 playing on a Thursday. They changed their name to Military GPO in 1981 and moved to playing on a Friday in 2008 replacing Military 'B' who ceased playing.
Home alley: Military Club no. 1
Secretary: M Williams
League Winner.
Division 4 - 2015/16.
Individual Winner.
Singles Competition - P Stacey 1989/90.
Pairs Competition - J Wilkinson & N Jenkins 1963/64.
Previous names: GPO 'B' until 1981
Previous alleys: Sun Inn, Bricklayers Arms until 1966/67.
Previous divisions: Division 1 - 1951/52 until 1954/55, 1963/64 until 1964/65, 1970/71 until 1971/72, 1974/75. Division 2 - 1946/47 until ?, 1962/63, 1965/66 until 1969/70, 1972/73 until 1973/74, 1991/92 until 1994/1995. Division 3 - 1961/62, 1974/75 until 1975/76, 1990/91, 1995/96, 2016/17 until 2019/20. Division 4 - ? until 1960/61, 1976/77, 1989/90, 1996/97 until 1997/98, 2004/05 until 2007/08, 2014/15 until 2015/16. Division 5 - 1977/78 until 1979/80, 1983/84 until 1985/86, 1987/88 until 1988/89, 1998/99 until 2001/02, 2008/09 until 2013/14. Division 6 - 1980/81, 1982/83, 1986/87, 2002/03 until 2003/04. Division 7 - 1981/82.
Previous secretaries: S Haynes 1966/67 until 1971/72, B Morris 1972/73 until 1876/77, L Jenkins 1877/78 until 1994/95, L Preece 1995/96 until 2001/02, R Davies 2002/03 until 2017/18, M Williams 2018/19 until present.

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