Painters 'D'
Winter teamFormed in 1963 and playing at the Racehorse on a Thursday in 1966 until 1969, then the Bowling Club on a Thursday in season 1971/71 until 1978 when they moved to the Market Tavern still playing on a Thursday before moving to the Gamecock and playing on a Friday in season 1983/84 before finishing at end of season 1986/8
Home alley: Gamecock
Honours – League Winners – Division 5 1970, 1984, Division 6 1980, 1983
Previous alleys: Racehorse 1966 until 1969, Bowling Club 1971 until 1978, Market Tavern until 1983,
Previous secretaries: Mr J W Berry 1966/67 until 1969/70, Mr J Sellars 1970/71 until 1985/86.

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