Fire Brigade
Winter teamFormed in 1957 by firemen from The Fire Brigade and played in the Licensed Vitualers League at the Coach & Horses. Joined the Hereford & District League in 1958 when the Licensed Victualers League ceased. Played at the Lamb in season 1966/67 and continued there until 1990/91 during which time it was renamed the Barrels. Played at the Sun Inn for one season before moving to the Liberal Club No 4 alley in 1992. In 2000 they moved to Karlo's (originally Racehorse Inn) and stayed until 2011 when it closed and they moved to the newly opened Snooker Centre.
Home alley: Q Club (Snooker Centre) no. 2
Secretary: Marc Silcox
League Winner.
Division 1 - 2015/16.
Division 4 - 1964/65, 1979/80.
Competition Winner.
Front Pin Cup - 2016/17.
Knock Out Cup - 2005/06.
Individual Winner.
Singles Winner - Des Stephenson 2023/24.
Four Spares - A Hirons 15,12,16,12,(55) v GWRSA 'C' on GWRSA Club No 2 alley 07/11/2008.
Previous names: None
Previous alleys: Coach & Horses, Lamb Inn until 1991, Sun Inn 1991/92, Liberal Club No 4 until 2000, Karlo's 2010/11.
Previous divisions: Division 1 - 2007/08, 2010/11 until present. Division 2 - 1975/76 until 1976/77, 2006/07, 2008/09 until 2009/10. Division 3 - 1965/66 until 1974/75, 1977/78, 1980/81, 1982/83 until 1983/84, 2005/06. Division 4 - 1959/60 until 1962/63, 1964/65, 1978/79 until 1979/80, 1981/82, 1984/85 until 1987/88, 2001/02, 2003/04 until 2004/05. Division 5 - 1963/64, 1988/89 until 1997/98, 1999/00 until 2000/01, 2002/03. Division 6 - 1998/99.
Previous secretaries: J Baker 1966/67, T E Hitchens 1967/68, A Bollington 1968/69 until 1972/73, J Murray 1973/74 until 1975/76, D Harper 1976/77 until 2017/18, M Silcox 2018/19 until present.

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